My New School

Hi.. My name is Idlan Raidil Ihsan

I was born on the sixth of April in the tropical islands of Indonesia, at a city named Bandung. My father's full name is Ira Nevasa while my mother's is Titik Anas and I have two older siblings, my sister Raissa fattya and my brother Gilang Suara Madani. Allthough I was born in Indonesia, I was only there for 2 years till my family (except for my father) all went to Australia where my mom had a job there.

I don't really remember much there, but i do remember that I lived there till grade 2 and a half. The reason I say a half is because in grade 2, I only studied for one semester then went straight back to my birthplace.

The first I thing remember when I arrived was registering for my new primary school "Darul Hikam", but it wasn't THE Darul Hikam but it was "DHIS" (Darul Hikam International School) it's sort of sub-school where they focus more on english than Darul Hikam does. I knew this since the first day of school since we were neighbours and the fact that there were 16 students in my class compared to their 35. That was just ONE class, they had multiple classes for each grade where as my school only had one class for one grade (ex: grade 6 only has one class). To make us feel more in the minority, when I was in grade 2 we didn't have grade 5 or 6 in my school, we only had grades 1-4.

It was my first day of my new school and I was very nervous since it was a school in a different country and my Indonesian wasn't that good. I was pretty relieved when I first entered my class, because I wasn't the only one transferring inot this school. There was another kid with glasses named Faiz Dzaki Zain registering to this school. Since we both just came to this school it was very easy for us to interact with one another. It wasn' that difficult to befriend the other boys in the class too, since there were only 6 boys (including me) and 10 girls, we sort of had to be friends since there were only six of us.

The rest of my time at this school went really smoothly, although it wasn't really smooth for other people since some of them transfer in and out of our class, but overall the times I spent at that school were pretty memorable.


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