The Big Bad Wolf Book Sale


About 2 months ago, me and my family went to a convention named "The Big Bad Wolf". The Big Bad Wolf is a convention that my family and I have been really looking forward to. Although my parents only care about the cheap books that were being sold there, me and my older brother and sister were pretty excited since we rarely buy books for entertainment.

When we first arrived to the convention, there was a really long line full of people that have waited for hours just to enter so I kind of felt bad, because my mother paid extra money just so we could cut in line. After my mother paid the fee, we were next in line to enter, but as we were waiting I could feel the cold glares stabbing my back from the people behind us.

I went in and there it was, the millions upon millions of books waiting to be picked by the right person. I went in there and I was very suprised by how organized the books were, I thought the books were just gonna be piled up on the floor, but there were many tables with labels that describe what type of books were there.

As I was looking at the books, I realised I was in the kids section. I tried to find the "Teenagers" section but i couldn't find it anywhere and I just wandered around for a whole hour. I then got tired of wandering around all day and decided to go for a pee break, so I asked the staff where the toilet was and when I was about to enter the toilet, I looked to my left and there was a tiny corridor leading to a very bright room full of white.

I entered that room and I finally found the books that I were searching for. Novels. I tried to search for the ones that I liked, but my options were very limited since many people also tried to buy the ones they liked. I was enjoying my time reading the synopsis of the books, till my parents told me that it was getting dark and we needed to go home. Therefore, I bought my 3 favorites and hurried out to meet up with my parents.

After we bought the books, we went to a restaurant below the convention to buy food. This place was the worst experience of a restaurant I ever had. When I got the menu, my eyes widened, the prices were VERY bumped up from the actual prices. A bowl of noodles were 200k, chicken wings were 256k, even a bowl of fries were 100k. I ordered the noodles and I waited 2 HOURS waiting for noodles that were debatable to even call them "noodles", a hard boiled egg where the yolk was MISSING, ONE piece of meat, and no vegetables in the bowl and that was only my order. What makes me more angry, is that my parents paid more than 1 million for those stupid excuses of food


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